Hintz Produce

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CUCUMBERS: Best Ways to Store, Prepare, and Enjoy


  • Wash and dry well, then refrigerate in your veggie crisper (just like spinach, paper towels will keep them dry and improve shelf life, although cucumbers aren’t nearly as sensitive to being wet as spinach)

  • Don’t put them in the coldest part of your fridge (where things tend to freeze) because the ideal temperature for them is actually closer to 50

  • Feel free to cut off half of one cucumber if you don’t need the whole thing, just make sure to cover the exposed end so the inside doesn’t dry out

  • Should keep for at least a week in the fridge

Nutrition (1 cup SLICES)

  • Calories: 16, Carbs: 4g, Protein: .3g, Fiber: .3g

  • Vitamins: A (4%DV), K (14%DV), C (5%DV), Numerous B vitamins (2-3%DV), others <4%DV

  • Minerals: Highest in Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, and Manganese

Fun fact

  • Cucumbers and Cantaloupe are very closely related. Their seeds, leaves, and flowers are all nearly identical, so once in a while it’s a surprise to see a melon appear amongst the cukes!


  1. Creamy Cucumber Salad

  2. Cucumber Sauce

  3. Ranch Cucumber Bites

  4. Cucumber Lemon Water/Martini

  5. Tzatziki (Greek Cucumber Dill Sauce- great for dipping or on gyros)

  6. Pickling or fermenting are always great ways to preserve cucumbers and eat them some way other than fresh. This doesn’t have to be time consuming either! Refrigerator pickles and fermented pickles both only take about 10 minutes of work!

  7. Cold Cucumber Soup

  8. Baked Cucumbers

  9. Roasted Cucumbers with Onions and Herbs

  10. Thai Cucumber Salad with Cashews