SWEET CORN: Best Ways to Store, Prepare, and Enjoy


Leave the husks on and refrigerate until ready to eat. Try not to keep in the fridge for more than a week for best flavor and nutrition.

Nutrition (1 cup or ~2 ears)

Calories: 177, Carbs: 41g, Protein: 6g, Fiber: 5g

Vitamins: C(17%DV), B1(24%DV), B9(19%DV)

Minerals: Magnesium(11%DV), Potassium(10%DV)

Fun fact

  • A cob is actually the flower part of the grass plant we know in America as corn. Bred from the Mexican plant teosinte, corn serves many diets across the world, especially in Latin America. 

  • Sweet corn was selected over many years of breeding for higher sugar and lower starch contents. Once sweet corn is harvested, the sugar begins to convert to starch, so the best tasting corn will be chilled immediately after harvesting and eaten ASAP.

3 WAyS to cook sweet corn

  1. Microwave in the husk for 4 minutes, butter and salt for the easiest method!

  2. Boiling also works, and is better for larger quantities, but you will lose some water soluble nutrients. Save this water for a soup/stew to get all the nutrients.

  3. Grill with your favorite meat and veggies.


Scrambled Eggs with Sweet Corn and Goat Cheese

Scrambled Eggs with Corn Tortillas (Migas)

Garden Fresh Corn Salad

Easy Fresh Corn Salad

Macaroni Corn Salad

Grilled Mexican Sweet Corn Elotes


EGGPLANT: Best Ways to Store, Prepare, and Enjoy


LETTUCE: Best Ways to Store, Prepare, and Enjoy